This Privacy Policy Describes The Information Collected By National Communication  Through Our Mobile Applications And How We Use That Information. Also Our Product CategorySuch As Photography,

Video,Tools, Entertainment,Utility, Personalization. WeCollect Information From You In Order To ProvideCorresponding Service And Better User Experience. WithYour Consent Of This Privacy Policy, YourUsage,Statistics, Input WhileUsing National Communication  Would Be Collected. By Using Our Apps You Understand And Agree That We Are Providing A Platform For You to Post content,including Photos, Voices, Comments and OtherMaterials, to the Product and to share User Content Publicly.

Third party websites

Usersmayfindadvertising or other content on our Site thatlink to the sites and services of ourpartners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and otherthird parties. We do not control the content or links thatappear on these sites and are not responsible for the practices employed by websiteslinked to or fromour Site. In addition, these sites or services, includingtheir content and links, maybeconstantlychanging. These sites and services may have theirownprivacypolicies and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on anyotherwebsite, includingwebsiteswhich have a link to our Site, issubject to thatwebsite’sownterms and policies.

Third- Party Sites :

In general, the Applications, the Services and the Site accessthird party information (such as your Facebook account information) through application interfaces. Wemayprovide links to third-party Web sites, such as Facebook, as a service to ourUsers. The Site mayalso carry advertisementsfromothercompanies. Whenyou click on links of third parties in an Application, the Services or the Site, youmayleave the Application, the Services or the Site.


National Communication  does not knowinglycollect or solicitany information fromanyoneunder the age of 13. The Service and its content are not directedatchildrenunder the age of 13. In the eventthatwelearnthatwe have collectedpersonal information from a childunderage 13 without parental consent, wewilldeletethat information as quickly as possible. If youbelievethatwemight have any information from or about achildunder 13, please contact us.

Changes to Privacy Policy :

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time; wewill post anyprivacypolicy changes on this page, sopleasereviewitperiodically. Wemayprovideyouadditionalforms of notice of modifications or updates as appropriateunder the circumstances.

Contacting us :

If you have any questions about thisPrivacy Policy, the practices of this site, or yourdealingswiththis site pleasefeel free to contact us at
